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Usigli (Mexico)


Into the Mainstream: Women in Modern Mexican Drama
International Symposium in Honor of Rodolfo Usigli, on his Centennial

This two-day symposium on modern Mexican drama focuses on the importance of women in recent drama. Usigli designed strong and assertive female characters in several of his plays. Two of Usigli's protégées, Rosario Castellanos and Luisa Josefina Hern&#ndez, became important female voices on the Mexican stage. In addition to José Luis Ibáñez, the symposium will include internationally-know playwright Sabina Berman (see event listing for Monday, November 7), and Mexican drama specialists Francine A'Ness, Jacqueline Bixler, Sandra Messinger Cypess, and Kirsten Nigro.

The following individuals will speak at the symposium:

Francine A'Ness, Assitant Professor of Spanish, Dartmouth College

A'Ness specializes in Iberoamerican theater, theories of performance, and theater in education. She also has extensive experience as a theater director. She is currently writing a book, Inside/Outside: Sabina Berman, Mexican Theater, and the Challenge of the International Stage.

Sabina Berman, Playwright

Berman is widely recognized for her successful theater producations; her play Entre Villa y una Mujer Desnuda (Between Pancho Villa and a Naked Woman), will soon be performed off-broadway in a translation by Kirsten Nigro. Her works challenge tranditional aesthetic and performance traditions, and question conventional sterotypes. Berman is immersed in Mexican politics, and during the most recent presidential elections in Mexico, worked in television, interviewing candadates.

Jacqueline Bixler, Alumni Distinguished Professor, Virginia Tech University

A specialist in Latin American drama, Bixler is the author of Convention and Transgression: The Theatre of Emilio Carballido and Sediciosas Seducciones: Sexo, Poder y Palabras en el Teatro de Sabina Berman.

Stuart A. Day, Assistant Professor, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of Kansas

Day's main area of teaching and research is contemporary Latin American literature, with a focus on theater and performance in Mexico. Before joining the faculty at KU, he taught at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2000-2005), where he was a Faculty Fellow and recipient of two teaching/mentoring awards. His book, Staging Politics in Mexico: The Road to Neoliberalism, was published by Bucknell University Press in 2004. He has also published an anthology of Chilean and Mexican plays (Diálogos dramatúrgicos: México-Chile, Tablado Iberoamericano, 2002) and co-edited, with Jacqueline E. Bixler, El Teatro de Rascón Banda: voces en el umbral (Escenelogía, 2005). Day has two published book chapters as well as articles, play introductions, and interviews in a variety of journals. His current projects include a manuscript on performance and parody in Mexico.

José Luis Ibáñez, Professor, School of Letters, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México(UNAM)

Ibáñez is recognized as one of Mexico's most successful and accomplished contemporary directors. He is well-known for his work in musical comedies, but espeically as director of classical and contemporary drama from Europe, Latin America and the United States.

Kirsten Nigro, Professor of Spanish and Chair, Department of Languages and Linguistics, University of Texas-El Paso

Nigro has edited or co-edited five books of criticism on Latin American literature and is now completing a book on border theater and playwrights in Mexico. Her English translation of Sabina Berman's play Entre Villa y una Mujer Desnuda is scheduled for an off-Broadway production this year.



Great Room - MacMillan Hall

9:00 - 10:15 Session Chair: Caryn Connelly, Spanish and Portuguese

Kirsten Nigro, University of Texas, El Paso
"Generations of Mexican drmaturgas: Berta Hiriart, Estela Leñero and Ximena Escalante"

Francine A'Ness, Dartmouth College
"Making a Difference: Six Spectacular Women of the Mexican Stage"

10:15 - 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 - 12:00 Open Session, discussion with symposium participants
Moderator: Patricia Klingenberg, Spanish and Portuguese

3:00 -   4:00 Official Opening
Charles Victor Ganelin, Chair, Spanish and Portuguese
Welcome: Dianne Sadoff, Associate Dean, College of Arts & Science
Introduction: Ramón Layera, Professor of Spanish

Keynote Address: Sabina Berman (in English) - "Play"

Havighurst Speical Collections Library

7:00 p.m.Fall meeting of the Friends of the Miami University Libraries
Keynote Speaker: José Luis Ibáñez

Reception sponsored by Miami University Friends of the Library


Great Room - MacMillan Hall

9:00 - 10:00 Session Chair: Julie Lirot, Spanish and Portuguese

Jacqueline Bixler, Virginia Tech
"The Politics of Transculturation and Tr/adaptation in the Recent Theater of Sabina Berman"

Stuart Day, University of Kansas
"Other Weapons: Politics and Parody in Backyard by Sabina Berman"

10:00 - 11:00Coffee Break
10:30 - 12:00 Panel Discussion(In English)
"The representation of the female Subject in Modern Mexican Drama"
Moderator: Patricia N. Klingenberg, Spanish and Portuguese
Francine A'Ness, Sabina Berman, Jacqueline Bixler, Stuart Day, José Luis Ibáñez, Kirsten Nigro.

2:00 - 3:00Clase magistral: Sabina Berman (In Spanish)"Play Berman"

Background Readings:

Bixler, Jacqueline E. Convention and Transgression: The Theatre of Emilio Carballido.

    Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell University Press. 1997

Bixler, Jacqueline E., ed. Sediciosas Seducciones: Sexo, Poder y Palabras en el

    Teatro de Sabina Berman. México, D.F.: Escenología, A.C. 2004

Cypess, Sandra Messinger La Malinche in Mexican Literature: From History to Myth.

    Austin: University fo Texas Press. 1991

Entre Pancho Villa y una Mujer Desnuda / Between Pancho Villa and a Naked Woman

    Dir. Sabina Berman and Isabelle Tardan. Facets Video, Chicago 2000.

Nigro, Kirsten "Inventions and Transgressions: A fractured Narrative on Feminist

    Theatre in Mexico." The Routledge in Gender and Performance Ed. Lizbeth

    Goodman and Jane de Gay. London: Routledge. 1998 207-212

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