Usigli Centennial Celebration Events
SEPTEMBER 10, 2005 - JANUARY 13, 2006
Rodolfo Usigli Centennial Celebration Library Exhibit
"Usigli in Mexican Literature and the Arts"
Rodolfo Usigli Archive, Walter Havighurst Speical Collections, Third Floor, King Library
The exhibit contains materials from the Usigli Archive, the definitive
research collection relating to Rodolfo Usigli's life and career. The exhibit displays visual and
documentary materials, including manuscripts, photographs, correspondence, posters, and stage designs
of productions of Usigli's plays. Special Collections will send copies of the materials to the Centro
Nacional de Investigación Teatral "Rodolfo Usigli" for display in the Centro Nacional de las
Artes and the Universidad Iberoamerica in Mexico City. During November, Special Collections will
activate its online catalog of the Usigli Archive.
Background Readings:
- For a catalog of the exhibit, contact Kimberly Tully at (513)529-2024, via email at
tullykk@MiamiOH.edu, or at:
The Walter Havighurst Special Collections
Miami University Libraries
321 King Library
Oxford, OH 45056
The exhibit has an online version which displays most of the
materials displayed on site.
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Miami University Libraries
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Last Updated: October 18, 2005
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